Thursday, August 26, 2010

Princess Helper


You started preschool last week. Which is going well. You love it. I knew you would. You have always been my social butterfly. You're tough on the outside, but so tender on the inside. Only those who know you best know the latter. I think that makes you amazing. Not wanting to show all your cards until you feel comfortable enough to do that. To have enough restraint, at such a young age, not to just blow your emotions all over the place. Granted, I know we haven't hit the teen years yet, but for now it's something wonderful to behold.

Here lately you have been all about helping. Helping me cook, helping me "read", helping me clean, helping me wash the clothes, helping me put things up or helping me picked out every one's clothes. You are just wanting to help. Now, if I am to be honest, sometimes I get irritated by all your helping. In my mind, it's easier to just do it myself. But I am trying to be patient. Trying to let you help and let you learn all these different skills. I hope I am doing a good enough job.

I want to be a good momma to you and your brothers. I want to be someone that you can come to and talk with. Share things with. For us to do things together that are normal and that are different. I love you my baby girl and it amazes me how beautiful you are on the outside, but most importantly.. on the inside.

