Thursday, August 26, 2010

Princess Helper


You started preschool last week. Which is going well. You love it. I knew you would. You have always been my social butterfly. You're tough on the outside, but so tender on the inside. Only those who know you best know the latter. I think that makes you amazing. Not wanting to show all your cards until you feel comfortable enough to do that. To have enough restraint, at such a young age, not to just blow your emotions all over the place. Granted, I know we haven't hit the teen years yet, but for now it's something wonderful to behold.

Here lately you have been all about helping. Helping me cook, helping me "read", helping me clean, helping me wash the clothes, helping me put things up or helping me picked out every one's clothes. You are just wanting to help. Now, if I am to be honest, sometimes I get irritated by all your helping. In my mind, it's easier to just do it myself. But I am trying to be patient. Trying to let you help and let you learn all these different skills. I hope I am doing a good enough job.

I want to be a good momma to you and your brothers. I want to be someone that you can come to and talk with. Share things with. For us to do things together that are normal and that are different. I love you my baby girl and it amazes me how beautiful you are on the outside, but most importantly.. on the inside.



Wednesday, August 25, 2010



I love you. I mean, I really love you. So much in fact, that I put up with your stubbornness. And when I say stubborn, I mean.. really, really stubborn. But I still love you and you should know that. Because despite the fact that you are so stubborn and continue to do whatever it is that you please I still think you are the cutest, smartest and most wonderful little 2 year old boy in the whole wide world. And that's saying a lot.. because there are a lot of 2 year old boys in this world. So, since I love you so much and care for you day after day after day, could you please.. please.. PLEASE just not be so stubborn? Please???



Friday, August 20, 2010

I'm gonna miss this...

Jon Kent, Zoey and Nathan,

Summer around here is coming to a close. With school starting for two of you (Jon Kent and Zoey, if you were really wondering) it's put our summertime fun activities to a minimum. Pretty soon our slightly bigger pool will be taken down and put up. Cooler weather will creep it's way in and we will start getting busy with a road trip or two, football games and soon it will be Christmas time.

Have I told you how absolutely wonderful I believe our summer this year was? It was amazing. There weren't many dull moments. A trip to the beach, many a trip to Monkey Joe's, too many days to count in the pool, trips to see family in Alabama, visits from family, picnics in the park, staying up late, pedicures, trips to the movies, play dates with friends... The list could go on and on. It was just an amazing summer.

So, thank you. Thank you for making it an amazing summer. I needed it. You will never know how badly I needed it. After losing my momma, your Gramsie, I needed to be reminded that life still goes on. And that you are my life. So, again and again.. thank you. It was one summer that I will never forget.



Monday, August 16, 2010

Jon Kent- 1st day of kindergarten

Jon Kent,

Today was your first day of school. Wow. How did we get here so quickly? I can still remember holding your tiny five and half pound self. Kissing your blond peach fuzz and thinking how in the world I can love someone that much and have just met them for the first time. And five years later I am letting you go and letting you taste independence. If I am being honest, it was hard. It's hard for me to let someone else teach you and watch you grow. But I didn't cry. I teared up, but I held it together because you were doing so well. You smiled and told me that you loved me. I told you that I loved you and wanted you to have a good day. And to remember to say, "Yes m'am and No m'am." You told me you would. I was so proud. I paced most of the day. I couldn't stop thinking about what you were doing, learning. If you were meeting new friends or if you were having trouble buttoning your pants after going to the bathroom. I couldn't wait for 2:30pm to get here so I could go pick you up. As I drove up to the curb, you had the biggest smile on your face and you were so excited to see me. My heart could have burst with excitement. You climbed in and started telling me all about your day. I asked if you ever cried after I left and you told me, "Only once.. almost.. and that was because I was missing you." That just made my day. Not that you almost cried but that I mean so much to you that you were missing me. You later told me that you didn't really want to go back tomorrow. But I think I have convinced you otherwise. Is it bad that you are already asking me how many days until you don't have to go to school anymore? I am really hoping tomorrow goes just as well as today went. You are just growing up way too quickly. I just want to stop time and enjoy you as you are right now, forever. You are such an amazing little boy. To say that I am so very proud of you just doesn't do you justice. I am beyond proud. Thank you, so much for letting me be a part of this amazing milestone. I love you, so very much.


Saturday, August 14, 2010

From my heart to yours

Jon Kent, Zoey and Nathan,

This is for you, my babies. My heart and soul. My reasons for living. This blog will be letters from me to you during given times of your life or when I just want you to know what's in my heart. The other blog is still yours as well, but this one is more in letter form. My hope is that someday you can read back on this and see my hopes and dreams for you. Whether you meet them or not isn't the point. As long as you strive to do and be your best and keep God #1 in your life, then that's all I could ever ask for. I love you. Each and everyone of you.

