Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Too Cool for Preschool!


Today you "graduated" from preschool.  It's so hard to really believe that a whole year has gone by and you are already through with 4K.  I can't believe next year you will be in kindergarten.

Today you and your class did a cute "Under the Sea Adventures" program.  Y'all were very cute and adorable and you did so well!  I cried, but "shhh!" don't tell anybody.  I was just so, so, so proud of you!  You got several awards.  You got an award for know all your upper and lower cases letters, an award for getting all "S"s throughout the year and you got a ticket to Six Flags for finishing the reading program.  Again, I am just too proud for words.

I just want you to know that you are growing and learning in leaps and bounds and I couldn't ask for a better daughter than you.  I love you so very, very much and I am looking forward to seeing you continue to learn and grow.  I love you with all my heart, baby girl!


You and your class

You and Miss Eskierka

You and Miss Pitts