
We are into our second week of spending the day together while you older siblings are off at school. Can I just say how awesome it's been? I was a little nervous about it at first because I thought you would be bored and lonely. But you have really surprised me. You have become my little helper. You follow me around and we just have a really good time together. The past couple of days I have been pushing you in the stroller while I do my daily jog. Then when we get back we grab something to drink and take the golf cart to the park. We play there for about 30 minutes or so (mostly me pushing you in the swing). Afterwards, we will drive through the neighborhood for a bit and come home to rest for a few minutes. I try to get a few things done (fold clothes, straighten up, unload the dishwasher, etc) while you play with Nova or your toys. Then we will do school (read, color, draw, learn letters, shapes, colors, etc). After that we go outside to play or play inside. Then it's lunch and nap time. You nap and I try to clean the house or do whatever I can before you wake up. Once you wake up we go pick up Jon Kent and Zoey from school. Our days vary some here and there. We may go to the library one day or run some errands another. But whatever we are doing I enjoy doing it with you. You have really surprised me with how agreeable you have been and how well you listen when it's just you and me. I am cherishing these days, because next year you may be in preschool half a day. I am soaking up every second I can! I love you my Nator Tator. And I am really glad to have this period of time with you!