Thursday, September 16, 2010

Potty or Not to Potty


Yesterday marked a new milestone for you. You started potty training. Yesterday went well. Considering it was your first day. You pooped in a diaper (because we hadn't "officially" started yet). You did manage to pee twice in the potty yesterday. And twice in your "big boy pants" (also known as pull-ups). Today.. well.. you have peed in the potty once. Peed in your pants twice and pooped in your pants once. So.. it's about like I expected. I think you will eventually get the hang of it. We are in this for the long haul. All diapers are gone and will not return. I know you can do this. You have a "grand prize" waiting for you at the end. I am proud that you are making this milestone and will be even prouder once you've accomplished it. My baby is growing into a little boy. Bittersweet.

