Jon Kent, Zoey and Nathan,
Thank you for another year to be your momma. Thank you for seeing past my flaws and many short comings and just loving me. Thank you for loving each other. Thank you for being kids and not growing up too quickly (although you are still growing up way too fast for my liking). Thank you for healing my heart and letting me know that life still goes on and there are still plenty of reasons to keep living.
I hope that 2010 was a good year for each of you. That at some point in your life you are able to look back at something we did in 2010 and smile. That you are able to hold on to a memory that we've made and be able to look back on it with fondness.
In 2011 I hope we have many more memories together. That it's a year for health and happiness and many good times. I hope each of you grow, learn and love more than you have in the year past.
I love you.. each and everyone of you.
Happy New Year babies!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
At least it wasn't Santa's lap

Oh my dear, dear Nathan. You my son are one of a kind. And I don't say that clichely.. (yeah, your momma just made that word up). You are just your very own person. There is no one even remotely like you.. well.. besides your daddy when he was your age. But let's not split hairs here.
Tonight was a prime example.
It probably started while we were in line to see Santa. It took forever to get to see him because it was also "bring your pet night". Which was cool. It gave you and your siblings something to look at. You wanted me to "hold chew". While holding you, you kept grabbing "yourself" and I asked what you were doing. "Just holdin' my 'googi' (that's what we call your little penis.. as do you and your siblings and the last few generations on your Gramsie's side of the family.. digressing...). We finally get up to the front and your picture was taken. You smiled wonderfully. We get the pictures and go to play at the indoor playground inside the mall. You were running around having a great time. Your daddy called you over to tie your shoe. So you climbed in his lap. While he was tying your shoe you grabbed yourself again and said you had to go potty....
And not two seconds later you say.....
Wait for it... wait for it..
"Oh well!" (in a long drawn out southern drawl)
Your daddy gets this confused yet shocked look on his face.. turns to me and says...
*side note here: I am laughing uncontrollably while typing this.*
"Did he just pee on me???.... Yes.. he just did."
And you did.
I held it together all through the mall. Kept my mean mommy face on and told you that you really knew better than to wet your pants. I kept it together while getting you and your brother and sister buckled into your seats.
But when I looked at your daddy as we were driving off to head home (no change of clothes were found) I couldn't hold it together anymore.
I laughed and laughed.
You daddy found no humor in the situation. Even questioning why I was laughing.
I will probably laugh about that for a good long while. The priceless expressions on your face and your daddy's will keep me smiling for quite some time.
Thank you for the laughs!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Happy Birthday, Zoey

Today you are 5. Five. Still seems like you should be that almost bald headed baby that I took home from the hospital. You were perfect. My whole pregnancy was such a healing process for me. You took away so much pain and hurt that I had put on myself. You will never be able to understand how much having you healed my heart. You just will never know. But that's OK.
I love you my sweet baby girl. There aren't enough words to tell you how much my heart grew just by having you in my life. You teach me everyday to roll with the punches and love no matter what. It's amazing that I am learning that lesson from a five year old. You are a good teacher.
I hope your fifth birthday was all you hoped for it to be and more. I love you, Zoeybug. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
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